Beautiful, nice apartment in Wuppertal, Wuppertal

No. of bedrooms: 1 bedroom

Location: Beautiful, nice apartment in Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany


Surface Area: 63.0m2

Furnishings: Furnished

English: The apartment is located close to the center, but in a quiet street. 20 minutes walk to the main station and 10 minutes walk to the most popular biking path in Wuppertal (Nordbahntrasse). Less than 10 minutes walk to the city centre. German: Die Wohnung liegt zentrumsnah, aber in einer ruhigen Straße. 20 Gehminuten zum Hauptbahnhof und 10 Gehminuten zum beliebtesten Radweg Wuppertals (Nordbahntrasse). Weniger als 10 Minuten zu Fuß vom Stadtzentrum entfernt.

Price: 1100 Euros per month