Marnixkade, Amsterdam


Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • 1 bedroom
  • Surface Area: 60m2
  • Furnished
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€2000 Monthly
1 bedroom Furnished

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Marnixkade 104-1
Fully Furnished
€ 2.000,- excl. gwe/internet/TV/municipality taxes per month
Available per 19th of Aug 2024
VVA contract B MAX 24 months
NO pets
NO guarantors

Beautifully light 1-bedroom apartment with canal view!


- Ca. 60m2 living space;
- Open plan living room with 3 large windows overlooking the canal;
- Bathroom with a bathtub and a separate toilet;
- Charming Amsterdam apartment with lots of original features;
- Perfect for a single person or a couple;
- Located between Westerpark and the Jordaan;
- Bedroom with built in wardrobe;
- Located on the 1st floor;
- Around the corner from the Elandsgracht, Nine streets, tram 13, 17 and 19;
- Several busses across the street.


Located at Marnixkade 104.1 in Amsterdam, this delightful rental apartment offers a perfect blend of comfort and style. The fully furnished, light-filled space features one spacious bedroom with a cozy double bed and a built-in wardrobe, ensuring ample storage. The bathroom is equipped with a relaxing bathtub, and there is a separate toilet for added convenience.

One of the standout features of this apartment is its picturesque canal view, providing a serene and scenic backdrop to your daily life. The open kitchen is equipped with built-in appliances, making meal preparation a breeze and enhancing the modern aesthetic of the living space. Whether you're enjoying a morning coffee or winding down after a long day, the canal view adds a touch of tranquility to your home.

For more information or to schedule a viewing please contact the 27 House Rental Team.

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The data and dimensions on the maps and in the brochure are indicative. Although the information has been carefully composed it is not excluded that some information about time is outdated or no longer correct. The information listed on the maps and in the brochure can therefore in no way be legally binding. 27 House Real Estate accepts no liability for incorrect or incomplete real estate information or for any damages as a result of your visit to our website or other websites that are accessible through links from the website of 27 House Real Estate. 27 House Real Estate accepts no liability for any external parties.

Please note that all the long stay apartments on our site are available for a minimum of 6 or 12 month rental period, unless stated otherwise in the description.